var lang = {select_all:'Select all',unselect_all:'Unselect all',_YES:'1',_NO:'',textarea:'Text area',remove:'Remove',user:'Login',password:'Password',OK:'OK.',save:'Save',save_as_new:'Save as new',cancel:'Cancel',processing:'Processing...',getting_page:'Loading page...',switch_on:'Switch on',switch_off:'Switch off',system:'System',noTooltipContent:'No content hint',do_you_want_to_continue:'Do you want to continue?',del_picture:'Delete photo',del_file:'Delete file',do_you_want_to_delete_image:'Are you sure you want to delete photo %s ?',do_you_want_to_delete_file:'Are you sure you want to delete file %s ?',crop_image_question:'The current photo will be converted, do you want to continue?',form_error_message_title:'Form data contain errors',form_error_message_count:'Fill in all the fields correctly and try again.

Number of errors in the form: %s.',chars_left:'Characters left: %s',textarea_to_mach_chars:'Text area may not contain more than %s characters.',rows_not_checked:'Not indicated any of the lines.',not_supporter_broser:'The system has detected that you are using an old version of Internet Explorer 6.0. It is not recommended to work with the Imperial CMS system, please update your browser.

free download',saving:'Saving...',croping:'Cropping photo...',crop_picture:'Crop photo',change_add_desc:'Change/add description',desc:'Description',deleting:'Deleting...',loading_tree_struct:'Loading tree structure...',checkingSymbol:'Checking symbol...',searching:'Searching...',checkind_selected_place:'Checking the selected place...',place_incorect:'This location already includes catalog with symbol „%s”, select another location or change „Symbol”.',select_place_in_service_structure:'Select place in Catalog structure, to add the catalog:',select_catalog:'Select catalog:',type_phrase_to_search:'Type phrase to search...',phrase_to_search_empty:'Enter a phrase to search.',select_publication_pleace:'Select place for catalog:',type_symbol_and_try_again:'Fill in the field correctly „Symbol” and try again.',unexpected_error:'There was an error in the system, try to repeat the operation – if the error persists contact your administrator.',service_struct_catalog_symbol_taken:'

Catalog may not be in this place because at this level there is already catalog with the same symbol „%s”.
Change symbol of this catalog and try again.


Catalog you are trying to move can not be in this place because at the level 1 already exists catalog with the same symbol„%s” in this or other menu.
Change symbol of this catalog and try again.

',all_images_deleted:'All photos have been removed',all_files_deleted:'All files have been removed',login_to_vote:'Sign in to vote!',login_to_set_recomended:'Zaloguj się by polecić !',login_to_unset_recomended:'Zaloguj się by usunąć z polecanych !',go_to_login:'Sign in',type_catalog_name:'Type catalog name...',you_can_drop:'You can drop',you_cant_drop:'You can not drop',window_cant_by_in_area:'Window can not be placed in this area.',saving_windows_failed:'Error occurred while writing windows.',saving_areas_failed:'Error occurred while writing areas.',default_setting_failed:'Error occurred while restoring default settings.',set_default_setting:'Restoring default settings please wait...',trush_flushing:'Emptying the trash please wait...',remove_windows_failed:'Error occurred while emptying the trash, the windows were not removed.',clear_trash:'Clear trash',clear_trash_question:'Are you sure you want to empty the trash?

All windows in the trash will be removed along with their contents.',trash_empty:'Trash is empty.',getting_info:'Getting information...',file_desc:'Add file description...',file_selected:'This file($file)has been already selected.',files_to_upload:'Files to upload',change_image:'Replace photo',changing_image:'Replacing photo...',file_selected_to_upload:'File $file selected to upload.',filetype_validator:'Selected file has invalid type $ext, choose another file.',filetype_validator_1:'Selected file has invalid type %s, choose another file.',image_change_filesize_error:'File you selected to convert is to large – select another file.',image_change_fileexists_error:'File you selected to convert has already been added – select another file.',upload_error:'There was a problem with sending a file to the server – please try again.'};